TV3 – Pat Kenny Tonight. Panel show discussing ‘Millennials’, Brexit, recent president-elect Donald Trump and the knock-on effects to Ireland.
Apple windfall isn’t in Ireland’s interest
‘No matter how popular it’d be, taking the €13bn Apple windfall isn’t in Ireland’s interest’
We have more in common with the British than the Germans
‘We have more in common with the British than the Germans. We should absolutely leave the EU’. But any Brexit deal the UK negotiates should be extended to Ireland.
A Chance to Make a Stand
We have a chance to make a stand, and enhance the Irish brand
If Ireland was to take an exit route from the EU, would domestic business suffer? Peter Casey wonders if the example of Apple Inc might give us any clues
Ireland:AM – BREXIT & Ireland
Sunday:AM – TV3 Ireland. Hosts Ivan Yates and Anna Daly discuss Britain’s proposed exit from Europe and its knock-on effects to Ireland.
Give rural Ireland a boost
FORMER DRAGON’S DEN star Peter Casey has promised he will push businesses to relocate to rural Ireland if he is successful in securing a seat in the Seanad.