“Great Britain and Sinn Fein Are In Cahoots Over Immigration Crisis And Must Step Up To The Plate To Fix It,” says Peter Casey.

“Great Britain and Sinn Fein Are In Cahoots Over Immigration Crisis And Must Step Up To The Plate To Fix It,” says Peter Casey.

Midlands-North-West European Election candidate Peter Casey has criticised the British government for effectively using Ireland as a “dumping ground” to offload their illegal immigrants and has said Sinn Fein must take a much more proactive role in resolving this all-island crisis.

The successful businessman said, “The British government’s Rwanda policy has resulted in Ireland being invaded by illegal immigrants. They are effectively using our country as a dumping ground to wash their hands of the problem.

“Both the Sinn Fein-led government in Belfast and the Irish government must send a strong signal to their British counterparts saying, ‘that enough is enough’.

“Great Britain and Sinn Fein need to act in good faith to protect their promises as part of the Good Friday Agreement and stop bogus asylum seekers from flooding across our borders in their droves. Sinn Fein must ensure anybody arriving in Northern Ireland has the appropriate paperwork.”

The former Dragon Dens’ panelist added, “This out-of-touch Tory government must not be allowed to use Ireland as the EU’s version of Rwanda. They are rubbing our noses in it by the very fact that they have refused to meet with the Irish Minister for Justice to discuss the crisis.

“As a businessman, my solution is to close down the International Protection Office on Mount Street in Dublin and tell illegal immigrants to apply through our embassy in London. The only tents given out for free should be for our Irish soldiers to camp out along the 500 km border as a show of force to protect our borders and say to the world that Ireland will not be the soft touch of the EU.

Peter Casey fears the crisis will now escalate during the long summer months as a result of Belfast’s High Court’s decision not to deport any refugees that arrive there from England, Wales, and Scotland.

“There is going to be a Tsunami of asylum seekers in the Midlands-North-West as a result of the recent Belfast High Court decision not to deport illegal immigrants to Rwanda,” Peter Casey said

“These illegal immigrants will soon be leaving mainland Britain in large numbers to go to Northern Ireland and then head south. The illegal migrants will realize the beaches are nicer than canals – meaning the Dublin tent crisis will be in Midlands North West shortly.”

Mr. Casey, who added that he encourages foreign nationals to come into Ireland once they have legal work visas, pointed out: “The Irish government has predicted that at least 20,000 illegal immigrants will arrive here by the end of the year, but it could end up being double that if immediate action is not taken. We must put a stop to this madness.

“The Midlands North West constituency needs a successful businessman and not a failed politician to represent them in Brussels. That is why I am asking for your number one vote on Friday, June 7.”

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