Casey calls on the UK Government and Sinn Fein to “step up to the plate!”.

Casey calls on the UK Government and Sinn Fein to “step up to the plate!”.

“The UK could stop this crisis if they were good neighbors. Place checks on all points of departure from the UK to Ireland” says Peter Casey

Midlands-North-West European election candidate Peter Casey has warned that the ongoing crisis of undocumented crossing the Irish border from the UK is potentially the worst-ever crisis to hit our country.

“Denmark has only had 700 undocumented immigrants cross their border in the first four months of the year, but yet Ireland has endured 7,000 – all because of UK’s Rwanda policy, and the recent High Court decision in Northern Ireland,” said Peter Casey

“Our Justice Department believes that we will have a further 20,000 asylum seekers arrive on our shores by the end of the year, but that figure could end up being 30,000 or even 40,0000.

“I fear there is going to be a tsunami of asylum seekers in the Midlands-North-West as a result of the recent Belfast High Court decision not to deport illegal immigrants to Rwanda.

“These illegal immigrants will be leaving mainland Britain in large numbers to Northern Ireland and will then head south. They will soon realise the beaches are nicer than canals – meaning the Dublin tent crisis will be in the Midlands North West shortly.

“You cannot even become a football coach or be on a parent-teachers group without having a background check carried out. Background checks on anyone coming into Ireland should be a priority. If anyone has a criminal background, you are not welcome in Ireland.

“The majority of the economic migrants are from Nigeria, where women’s rights are virtually non-existent.

“Some of these economic migrants could be serious criminals. This madness has to end. Asking for criminal background checks does not make you a racist. It makes you a realist. Safety of our community should be paramount.”

The Irish businessman is now calling on Michelle O’Neill’s government to carry out extensive passport controls at Larne and all airports in Northern Ireland.

“I am calling on this Sinn Fein government to stop any illegal immigrants from entering Northern Ireland and I would also recommend that the Irish army send soldiers in tents along the border for a few weeks to send out a clear message that we will not tolerate illegal crossings.” They don’t have to do anything, just being there will send a strong message that we are serious about protecting our sovereignty.”

The Dragons’ Den panelist said that “one good thing” has come out of the controversial Rwanda policy. “It now means that those foreigners in desperate situations might be reluctant to hand over the deeds of their homes for safe passage to the UK if they now think they could end up in Rwanda, not the UK” he added.

“In a similar vein, Ireland must now show that it is not the soft touch of Europe and be prepared to deport them to Rwanda if it comes to it, too.”The only solution is for the UK and Ireland to be completely aligned with respect to migration policy.

The Irish businessman dismissed accusations from political rivals that he is anti-immigration as “scaremongering tactics”.

He concluded, “Ireland is crying out for skilled and unskilled labor. We have a shortage of skilled labor such as medical professionals and tradespeople, for example. We need people who will put their shoulder to the wheel, not economic migrants and certainly not illegal migrants.

“As a strong independent voice, I am asking for your number one vote on Friday, June 7. I will make a real difference in the immigration crisis if elected in the Midlands North West Constituency in June.”

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