Peter Casey Plans to Bring Out an App To Allow His Constituents To Have a Direct Say On EU Policies Affecting Midlands-North-West

Peter Casey Plans to Bring Out an App To Allow His Constituents To Have a Direct Say On EU Policies Affecting Midlands-North-West

Midlands-North-West European election candidate Peter Casey has promised to give the power back to the people who voted him in as their MEP.

He is the first candidate to propose an app that will keep constituents regularly updated on all the vital new legislation and proposals.

“And when any topic comes down to a vote I will be making my decision on how you tell me to vote on the app. It brings power right back to the people” he explained. 

“I will put forward the cases for and against – and will then respect your final verdict.”

The Irish businessman explained that such a system would help to prevent farmers and fishermen from feeling they are being left out of the cold. The app will feature secure two-factor authentication and will be offered to users free of charge.

“I can appreciate that many elderly farmers might not be able to work the app system and to compensate for this I will regularly hold town hall meetings with all of them to show a sign of hands, too,” he added.

The former Dragons’ Den panelist added, “If I am elected in the upcoming election, I will be proposing such common-sense approaches to the European Parliament. “As a strong independent voice, I am asking for your number one vote on Friday, June 7. I will make a difference if elected in the Midlands North West Constituency in June.”

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